Potomac: Tiny Horse Challenge for Tiny House Nation

Filming for the TV series Tiny House Nation came to Potomac this week in search of tiny horses.

Specifically, they came to the Potomac home of Jill and John Phillips who own Squeals on Wheels petting zoo, and dozens of tiny animals.

The show, Tiny House Nation, focuses on families looking to downsize into spaces of about 500 square feet or less, not a size house one is likely to find in Potomac. Scott and Marianne are a young couple currently living in Arlington and building a tiny house of about 300 square feet down in Fredericksburg They are working with builder Kris Angstadt of Tiny House Building Company. Both Scott and Marianne grew up in horseracing towns and are now looking to build a tiny house that reminds them of their hometown roots in its aesthetic.

“During the ‘tiny challenge’ we filmed today over at the Squeals on Wheels property, the idea was to teach the couple a lesson in understanding the transition that tiny living is going to be,” said the show’s producer. “Although this was an exaggerated exercise, the idea nonetheless was to take two people who may have been attending races and participating in the culture of derby for many years and now instead have them go through what it takes to actually get these horses ready for show by cleaning and grooming them. Since this is a tiny house we figured why not run them through this with miniature or ‘tiny horses’ since after all it is supposed to be more fun than actual work. Just as they may have been researching tiny houses for a long time now and planning how the space will work for them, physically moving into a tiny space is still going to take some adjusting and learning.

“The tiny challenges are meant to be a fun relatable way to teach these homeowners that there will be a transition in going tiny and that may be something they're overlooking a bit, but our hosts and our team try to do the best job in predicting what their biggest problem areas are going to be and coming up with solutions before they even get their new tiny house.”

New episodes of the series start Saturday, March 26 on the FYI channel at 9 p.m.

Visit www.fyi.tv/shows/tiny-house-nation. For more on Squeals on Wheels, visit
