Potomac Day 2016

Food, rides and music fill the day.

The wind and the cold didn’t keep the crowd away from Potomac Day, 2016. The parade was a favorite of both children and adults. Everyone clapped and cheered as the Potomac Citizen of the Year Mary Kimm, the Potomac Businessman of the Year Fred Goldberg and the Potomac Youth of the Year Arslon Humayun passed by, seated in shiny convertibles.

The parade featured political candidates, a number of classic cars, the Squeals on Wheels Petting Zoo, bands, clowns, free candy, fire trucks, ambulances, emergency vehicles and more.

The parking lot overflowed with popular children’s rides, business booths and lots of food choices from our local restaurants. Rock and Roll music from Retrospect and performances by East West Tae Kwon Do kept the crowd jumping and the atmosphere lively.