Potomac: Dogs Rule — the Pool

The dog days of summer hopefully ended last week with hot

steamy days touching the 100 degree mark.

Everyone was sweltering, air conditioners were running full blast — and all hoped for a break in the heat.

The dog days took on new meaning Sunday when Potomac Swim & Tennis Club on Oaklyn Drive in Potomac held its annual Dog Swim to finish out the 2016 summer season. Dogs cavorted around the pool, some jumping in and loving every minute of their swim while others stayed as far away from the pool as possible — or simply adopted a stance and just barked. All the dogs were off leash and chased one another, jumped in the water and ran around. There were no “Dog Olympics” for swimming, diving or chasing a ball in the water – but some of the dogs clearly loved the dip in the pool – and might have enjoyed a bit of competition too.

Kathy and Ginny Sorley were not certain how Kathy’s dog Bella would take to the water and Bill Poulin was also unsure — saying that his dog Teddy had never participated in a dog swim before. However, to Maxx, the three-year-old lab of Christopher and Vanessa Hahn, the dip in the pool was routine; Maxx swam in the Avenel pool at their Dog Swim last Sunday. Maxx was the first dog to dive in — and delighted in swimming in the pool the entire time. He fetched balls and swam with his new bestie Bosa, Tina Heard’s nine-month-old lab. Their delight was infectious as more dogs joined them in this joyful celebration of the end of summertime.

“Maxx has been coming to Potomac Swim & Tennis Club ever since he was a puppy,” Vanessa Hahn said. “He is always around during tennis matches. We bring him up here and throw the ball for him and he loves playing here. He’s kind-of the mascot. He really loves swimming in the pool.”

Ted Sears brought his five-year-old Bassett Hound, Hazel. Unlike the labs, Hazel does not favor water sports. Instead, Sears said they call her “The Sergeant” because she likes to bark, telling everyone that “she is totally in charge.”