Potomac Brief: Council To Listen to Students

The County Council, which for the past several years has held Town Hall Meetings throughout the county in its efforts to find out what issues most concern residents, will learn what is on the minds of younger residents when it hosts its sixth annual Town Hall Meeting for Students on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at the Council Office Building in Rockville. The meeting, in the Council’s Third Floor Hearing Room, will start at 7:30 p.m.

A pre-meeting reception will begin at 7 p.m. in the building’s second-floor cafeteria. At the reception, students will have a chance to meet with councilmembers and talk with them in an informal setting.

The Council Office Building is located at 100 Maryland Ave. in downtown Rockville.

Students who want more information about the meeting can call 240-777-7931 or 240-777-7926. The meeting will be broadcast live on County Cable Montgomery (CCM — cable Channel 6 on Comcast and RCN, Channel 30 on Verizon) and rebroadcast at various times in the weeks following the meeting.