Pumpkins for Piggies at Poplar Spring

This past weekend was the 11th year that a group of friends collected Pumpkins for Piggies in and around River Falls.

“Every Sunday after Thanksgiving, we save our neighbors from making the social faux pas of the confused holiday phenomenon called ‘Pumpkins and Wreaths’ by picking up their pumpkins ....kidding,” said Becky Pugh on her Facebook page. “We gather them up to take to Poplar Springs Animal Sanctuary for their piggies to enjoy.”

Pugh was worried that the pandemic might lead to a pumpkin shortage, but they collected and delivered more than 100.

Pugh, with her husband Dean Jabs and daughter Wren Jabs, started out on Sunday about 9 a.m. along with Rose Oppenheim and her daughter Norah, Theresa Goldsholle, and Anna and Leonard Pfeiffer.

“Once we hit Hackamore in River Falls, there were so many pumpkins curbside that we filled up in no time. The Ford F150 was hanging low, the back was filled with pumpkins, as was the back of the cab leaving almost no room for Wren!”

Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary is a 400 acre non-profit refuge in Poolesville, Maryland for farm animals and wildlife that relies entirely on donations for support. The mission is to offer care, rehabilitation, and permanent sanctuary for neglected, abused or abandoned farm animals, as well as providing a protected habitat for wildlife.

Poplar Spring is open for tours and visits by appointment. Learn more about visiting here: http://www.animalsanctuary.org/visit/

For more on Poplar Spring, see http://www.animalsanctuary.org/