“Thrive Montgomery” Looks at the Next 30 Years

What is Thrive Montgomery 2050?

Tremendous and rapid social, environmental, technological, demographic and economic shifts over the next few decades necessitate revisions to Montgomery County’s guiding framework for growth, called the General Plan. As Montgomery Planning works to update this important plan, the community is asked to help ensure that the county remains a vibrant, verdant and welcoming place — with an innovative economy — where all can thrive.

Thrive Montgomery 2050 is our chance to figure out — together — how the county can be a great community over the next 30 years. It’s about how we respond to future opportunities and challenges in the county. Through Thrive Montgomery 2050, planning staff is identifying and examining the changes occurring, considering what we want for tomorrow, and then developing a shared vision that allows us to keep what we love about Montgomery County while planning necessary changes that will ensure the best possible future.

The result of Thrive Montgomery 2050 will be a living and breathing plan that guides decision-making and helps secure resources to ensure the county is a place where everyone can be successful, have opportunities, and enjoy a high quality of life in a beautiful and resilient environment. There are three priorities for the plan:

Economic health: We want to ensure a vibrant, strong and competitive economy by supporting small businesses and business innovation, and to attract and retain a high-quality, diverse workforce.

Equitable communities: We want to create a place where all residents have equal access to affordable housing, healthy food, employment, education, and more.

Environmental resilience: We want to preserve our natural and built resources and use the best strategies to fight climate change and mitigate the impact of land development.

Learn more about Thrive Montgomery 2050 and how to get involved at ThriveMontgomery.com.