Potomac Community Village Offers Programs Open to Public

Potomac Community Village is sponsoring two programs for the community in early June.

The first, “It Takes a Community to Age Safely: The Vital Role of Villages in Safeguarding Older Adults against Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation,” is a webinar scheduled for Tuesday, June 2 from 10 a.m. until noon.

Speakers Pazit Aviv, Village Coordinator for Montgomery County; Mario Wawrzusin, administrator for the County Health and Human Services, Adult Protective Services; and Sylvia Saunders, President of East County Village Seniors; will discuss the Village Movement in Montgomery County. Villages have been instrumental in supporting community members to safely age-in-place, offering services including transportation, assistance with household tasks, and sponsoring gatherings to promote social activities. The webinar will highlight the groundbreaking work of local villages, practical tips to successfully age-in-place and the debut of a new community resource guide created by the ElderSAFE Center to better connect community members to the county resources.

The program is free and open to all, but advance registration is required.

To register, go to:


Once you register, you will get Zoom access information.

On Wednesday, June 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Potomac Community Village will host a live ZOOM lecture on The Art Theft of the Century, about the theft of the Mona Lisa in 1911.

On August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa, painted by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, was stolen from the Louvre in Paris, France. Someone entered the Salon Carré, lifted the painting off the wall and simply walked out with it. The painting was stolen on a Monday morning, and baffling as it may be, it was not until Tuesday at noon that anyone noticed that the masterpiece was missing. Who stole the Mona Lisa and why? How did the authorities recover the painting? For the answers to these questions, join the lecture for a richly illustrated presentation about the theft of the most famous painting in the world.

Barbara Evans will lead the discussion. Evans has taught in Montgomery College's Lifelong Learning Institute for more than 30 years. She has a double Bachelor of Arts degree from American University in British History and Art History, attended the University of Maryland with a specialization in 17th-century Northern Painting and a minor specialization in 19th-century European painting, advancing to candidacy, but says she will "forever be All But Dissertation."

This lecture is free and open to PCV members, volunteers and non-members. Zoom access information will be sent to members and volunteers but Non-members must register at info@PotomacCommunityVillage.org by Tuesday, June 9 at noon and will be sent the link.

Potomac Community Village (PCV) serves the 20854 zip code. It is a non-profit network of neighbors and friends geared to enabling older Potomac residents to age in place in their existing homes. For more information, to volunteer or get volunteer help, contact 240-221-1370, info@ PotomacCommunityVillage.org or check out https://www.potomaccommunityvillage.org/ or https://www.facebook.com/PotomacCommunityVillage