Help Feed Hungry Families in Fairfax County

Take action to help others.

Help support local food banks through Virtual Stuff the Bus Monetary donations allow organizations to distribute more food, feed diverse communities, provide fresh food, and keep shelves stocked when donations are low. Here are five reasons to donate virtually:

* More Meals – Nonprofits can turn a donated dollar into more meals by purchasing food in bulk or through special discounts from retailers.

* Feeding Diverse Communities – Monetary donations allow pantries to purchase culturally appropriate foods, which better meet the needs of the diverse communities they serve.

* Fresh Food – Canned and dry food are a vital part of food pantries, but a healthy diet also requires fresh fruit and vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean proteins – items that can’t be collected through food drives.

* Less Labor – Nonprofits often rely on the work of volunteers to sort and shelve donations. 

* Hunger Never Takes a Break – Having cash on hand helps food pantries keep their shelves stocked during times of the year when donations drop off.