Be Warmer, Healthier and Save Money this Winter

It’s that time of year again – the weather outside is frightful – well maybe not frightful yet, but it’s colder! It can be a struggle to keep your home warm, whether from drafty windows, high heating costs and/or lack of money to pay bills. The good news is that there are several programs available to help anyone in need, as well as those who just want to know more about how to keep their homes warm and save money. 

Need help with your heating costs? You may be eligible to receive help through two energy assistance programs that are currently accepting applications.

• Dominion EnergyShare helps pay energy bills for any type of heating and cooling source (wood, oil, natural gas, propane, kerosene, electric) for those who qualify. EnergyShare is not income based so any customer in crisis is eligible to apply. 

• Fairfax County and Virginia Energy Assistance Programs are designed to help households offset heating costs and overcome energy emergencies that cannot be met by other resources. Energy emergency help can include heating equipment repair/purchase/maintenance and a one-time-only heat security deposit. 

Drafty windows and doors? Cold in your own home? Want to save money on your energy bills? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there are several programs available to assist with home weatherization. Improvements can include: LED lighting, low-flow shower heads, insulation, heat pump or A/C tune-up, air and duct sealing, ENERGY STAR refrigerator replacement and more. Get your free home energy audit today to save money and be more comfortable and healthier in your home.

• Fairfax HomeWise Program educates, empowers and enables residents to make changes that reduce energy use, water use and associated costs in their homes. Volunteers also assist low- and moderate-income residents with physical improvements to their homes and provide support for behavior changes that are proven to conserve resources and money. 

• Dominion EnergyShare Weatherization Program - 

• Virginia Weatherization Assistance Program - 

As always, my office is here to assist you, so please contact us at 703-780-7518 or should you need help.