Burke CAP Cadet Commander Change

Felline to lead Burke squadron.

In a change of command ceremony on Dec. 7, the Burke Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol celebrated the end of a term under the leadership of Cadet 2dLt Kyle Morrison, who has shown outstanding work throughout the term, and welcomed the new Cadet Commander 2dLt Lorenzo Felline. The squadron recognized not only the seamless transition in command but also the remarkable growth in the number of new enthusiastic cadets joining their ranks.

The Cadet Commander holds a crucial leadership role, responsible for guiding and inspiring cadets within the squadron. As the highest-ranking cadet in the squadron, the cadet commander is responsible for directing the unit and leading by example. Morrison has demonstrated exceptional performance as the Cadet Commander and the squadron has grown under his leadership. Similarly, Felline has shown remarkable leadership in his previous positions and has consistently exhibited dedication for the Cadet values and therefore has earned his role as the new Cadet Commander.


Felline, who has been in multiple leadership roles such as Flight Commander, shared his thoughts on his new Cadet Commander position.

“I am honored to have been selected for this position,” remarked Felline, “and I hope you all will help me make Burke Composite Squadron the best it can be.” There is no doubt that the new term in Burke Composite Squadron will be as successful as the last one.

Excitingly, there has been a recent surge of new cadets within the squadron. Burke Squadron has grown to be over 120 members, adding fresh perspectives and energy to the squadron. With the growing number of cadets, Burke Composite Squadron recognizes the need for expanded leadership opportunities and encourages all cadets to embrace leadership opportunities in areas such as the Cadet Staff, Emergency Services, Aerospace and Cybersecurity. 

As Burke Composite Squadron moves forward, the squadron anticipates another successful term under the leadership of Felline and the dedication of its members.