Five Frame Story, A Diorama in MineCraft

Peter Scoma, 14, Grade 9, Mount Vernon, 5 Frames in Time, (Five Frame Story || A Diorama in MineCraft), Global STEM Thomas A. Edison High School.

Starting with a blank slate in the MineCraft computer application, Peter Scoma built all of the functional diorama and manipulated the people to communicate a story in 5 frames.  

1. Construction 

In the first frame, construction workers are shown building a Threshold.  

2. Ignition 

The threshold is seen “igniting”, opening a portal to a different dimension, as a scientist looks on with awe. 

3. Exploration 

A new dimension is being explored and mapped by researchers in hazmat suits. 

4. Colonization 

A large base is being constructed to harness the unique materials on the other side of the portal. 

5. Destruction 

In the final frame, it is clear that the researchers probed too far into the unknown, waking something dark. As scientists flee the scene the technicians on the other side attempt to close the threshold to contain the destruction.