Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor

On July 27, 2022, 19-year-old Joe Thiringer was working at Meadowlark Gardens when he collapsed, unwitnessed, by a work shed. A co-worker found Joe unresponsive in the grass and called for help. Meadowlark staff called 9-1-1, initiated CPR and deployed their Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).

Joe was defibrillated once prior to FCFRD arrival. EMS continued CPR and had return of a pulse prior to arrival at Reston Hospital.

The quick action of by-standers and FCFRD crews made a positive difference. Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority (NOVA Parks) made everything possible by their investment in AED’s. This even though they were not required to provide them!

Recently, Joe and his family reunited with the crews that helped save his life.