Youth Awards from Great Falls Garden Club


Youth Awards from Great Falls Garden Club


The Great Falls Garden Club awarded two $150 grants as a result of its 2023 Youth competition to establish a Native Habitat Garden. The second grant is made possible by the generosity of the Friends of the Great Falls Library. The two winners are Halia Ochieng, a sixth grader and Adalena Rogers, a sophomore. Both are residents of Great Falls.

The winners were chosen because of their demonstrated understanding of the importance of native plants, and understanding of the clear connection of those native plants to the wildlife and natural resources that habitat gardening supports.

Both winners were presented their awards and checks at a small gathering at the Great Falls Library on Sunday, May 7. 

Botanist, Dr. Meghan McGinty, a Great Falls Garden Club member, will be the Garden Club’s point person to mentor the recipients as they prepare, plant, and maintain their gardens. At the end of the summer, both Halia and Adalena will submit a journal of pictures and observations regarding their projects.