Budget Forums in Potomac

Upcoming forums on the education budget this Tuesday, May 2 and Wednesday, May 17 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. You can attend on Zoom or in-person (details below). We will discuss education from kindergarten to college with MCPS Superintendent Dr. Monifa McKnight and Montgomery College President Dr. Jermaine Williams.

Budgets are moral documents and Montgomery County’s budget reflects our priority on education and opportunity for everyone. These forums will provide you an opportunity to exchange ideas and engage in a discussion about how we keep education at the forefront in Montgomery County. Click here to join us as we help shape the landscape for our students.

May 2 Forum

Join on Zoom or In-Person

Wheaton High School Cafeteria

12401 Dalewood Dr

Silver Spring, MD 20906

Click here to RSVP

May 17 Forum

Join on Zoom or In-Person

Montgomery County Council Building

3rd Floor Hearing Room

100 Maryland Avenue

Rockville, MD 20852

Click here to RSVP

Translation services will be provided.

I’m proud to continue the tradition of former Education Committee Chair Craig Rice by hosting these important budget forums. Please join us to show your commitment to education. Your voice has the power to make a difference. It is time to harness that power to create a brighter future for education in Montgomery County.

Click here to RSVP.