6 Teens Seriously Hurt in McLean Crash

News Briefs

Teens Seriously Hurt in McLean Crash

Detectives from FCPD Crash Reconstruction Unit are investigating a single-vehicle crash in Idylwood involving seven teenagers.

Early Monday morning at 4:56 a.m., officers responded to a single-vehicle crash in the 2600 block of Pioneer Lane. Six of the seven juvenile occupants were taken to the hospital with injuries considered to be life-threatening.

Preliminarily, detectives determined the 17-year-old driver was traveling southbound in a 2003 Lincoln Aviator on Shreve Road at a high rate of speed. As he crested the top of a hill, he lost control of the vehicle and struck a tree near Pioneer Lane. The vehicle then spun, ejecting five of the teenagers from the vehicle. One teen was trapped and was extricated from the vehicle. The five passengers ejected from the vehicle were not wearing seatbelts. All six passengers remain hospitalized with serious injuries.

Initially, the driver was arrested on scene for Driving Under the Influence. After consultation with the Office of the Fairfax Commonwealth’s Attorney, he will not be charged today, and charges are pending as the investigation continues. Detectives believe speed and alcohol were factors in the crash.

Detectives would like to speak to anyone with information about this case. Those with information are asked to please call our Crash Reconstruction Unit at 703-280-0543. Tips can also be submitted anonymously through Crime Solvers by phone – 1-866-411-TIPS (866-411-8477).

New Performance Auditor to the Board Appointed

Jennifer Girard

 Jennifer Girard has been appointed performance auditor to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, effective Monday, Nov. 27.

Working under the board’s Audit Committee, the performance auditor to the board provides accurate information and objective advice to the board in its oversight of county programs by conducting performance, risk and financial reviews of county agencies, operations and county-funded programs; helping to ascertain that appropriated funds are expended for their intended purpose; and providing recommendations, consultation and insight on methods of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of county operations and programs.

This position is separate from the work of the Office of Internal Audit, which focuses on the day-to-day administration of the county under the direction of the county executive.

Girard will lead the Office of Financial and Program Auditor in planning, designing and conducting studies, surveys and evaluations of county agencies, programs and initiatives, as assigned by the Board of Supervisors or the Audit Committee.

Girard brings experience in data analysis and visualization, risk assessment and mitigation, and senior leadership consultation on operational and strategic improvements, along with a history of building and supervising high-performing teams.

Girard previously worked for the American Red Cross National Headquarters, where she was hired in 2007. She began her career there as a grants and foundation partnerships senior associate and later served as knowledge management officer, before taking the role of audit analytics manager.

Girard earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and Spanish from Furman University and a master’s in Latin American studies from Georgetown University. She holds certifications in fraud management and data analytics and is a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors, among other affiliations. She is also a member of several local boards and foundations.

Practice Gun Safety for the Holidays

Fairfax County Police Department emphasizes the crucial importance of responsible gun ownership and firearm safety in the community. This initiative seeks to ensure that our community members enjoy a safe and joyous holiday season while reducing the risk of firearm-related accidents and incidents.

This year, we partner with the Fairfax County Circuit Court to provide new concealed carry permit applicants a gun lock. This gun lock will be given, free of charge, to applicants to ensure they have the proper equipment to secure their firearm. If you already have a permit for concealed carry, all our police stations have Crime Prevention Officers who can provide you with a free gun lock if you are a current or new firearm owner.

This holiday season, keep safety in mind, especially when it comes to firearms. Whether you’re a gun owner or not, understanding and promoting gun safety can make a big difference in ensuring a safer and happier holiday season for everyone.

Ways You Can Practice Gun Safety:

* Secure Your Firearms:

If you own firearms, it’s crucial to store them securely, especially when family and friends gather at your home. Unintentional access to firearms by children or unauthorized users can lead to tragic accidents. Ensure that your firearms are unloaded and locked in a secure safe, always storing ammunition separate from your firearm, treat every firearm as if it’s loaded, and always keep the muzzle of any firearm pointed in a safe direction.

* Education Is Key:

Ensure that everyone in your household, especially children, understands the basics of firearm safety. Teach them to treat every firearm as if it is loaded and to immediately inform an adult if they come across an unattended firearm.

* Safe Handling:

Always follow proper handling procedures when using firearms. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot, and be aware of your target and what lies beyond it.

* Alcohol and Firearms Don’t Mix

Never mix alcohol or drugs with firearms. Keep firearms away from situations where impaired judgment could lead to dangerous accidents or incidents.

* Unwanted Firearms:

The holiday season is also an excellent time to consider removing unwanted or unused firearms from your home. If you are looking to get rid of a firearm, you can bring the firearm to any of the county’s police stations. Returning your unwanted firearms helps reduce the risk of accidents or stolen firearms in our community. For more information on this program, check out our website, here: Disposal of Unwanted Firearms and Ammunition Police (fairfaxcounty.gov)

Fentanyl and Fake Pills 

The Department of Family Services wants to raise awareness of a hidden danger that is impacting families across Fairfax County and the United States. 

Opioid overdoses continue to increase each year in our community. Overdoses can happen in unexpected situations – a social gathering, a school event, with a friend or family member, or other community event. Drug overdoses are a leading cause of unintentional death among children in the United States.

As a parent or caregiver, you play a vital role in educating your family members to make safe and healthy decisions. Being mindful of substances in your household and community could save a child's life. 

* What is fentanyl? It is a deadly synthetic opioid that is being pressed into fake pills or cut into heroin, cocaine, and other street drugs. It is 50 times more potent than heroin. It’s undetectable by sight, smell, or taste.
* What are fake pills? Fake pills are made to look like OxyContin, Xanax, Adderall, and other pharmaceuticals. These fake pills contain no legitimate medicine. Fentanyl is also made in a rainbow of colors so it looks like candy. It can also be found in party drugs like cocaine and MDMA.
* Why is fentanyl so dangerous? U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration lab testing reveals that seven out of every ten fake pills with fentanyl contain a potentially lethal dose (2 milligrams) small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil.
* How would my child get fentanyl? 

Drug traffickers are using social media to advertise drugs and conduct sales even to teenagers.
* What are the physical and mental effects of fentanyl? Fentanyl use can cause confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, changes in pupil size, cold and clammy skin, coma, and respiratory failure leading to death.
* What are the signs of overdose? 

• Face is pale or clammy

• Breathing is infrequent or has stopped

• Deep snoring or gurgling (death rattle)

• Unresponsive to any stimuli

• Slow or no heart rate and/or pulse

• Bluish purple, or ashen skin color

• Fingernails turn blue or blue-black

* What do I do in the case of an overdose? Call or text 9-1-1 if the situation is immediately life-threatening. Fairfax County Fire and Rescue personnel carry medication that can prevent death from an opioid overdose.
* What can I do to become better prepared? Take a 
virtual REVIVE! training to learn what to do in an overdose situation, how to administer naloxone (Narcan) nasal spray to reverse an opioid overdose and what to do afterward. Each attendee receives a free REVIVE! kit, which includes all the supplies needed to administer naloxone. An educational training video is also available to learn about Opioids, Naloxone, and what to do if someone overdoses.

Source: Fairfax County Department of Family Services