Cool Cars Brighten Sweltering Summer Day

More than 6,500 people attended the 24th annual Labor Day Car Show in Fairfax City.

Photos By Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection

Brian Hendricks with his 2004 Sportster motorcycle.

Kevon Lazare and sons (from left) Declan, 4, and Kieran, 1, pose by a 1985 Toyota Celica GTS convertible.

From left, Saffron Tonko and Christina Kim, with Teddy the Goldendoodle, in front of a 1967 blue, Ford Bronco.

Miguel Oyola, 7, checks out a 1983 Mazda RX7 GSL.

Brent Golden inside his brand-new, 2023 C8Z06 Corvette.

Some of the many attendees of the Labor Day Car Show make their way down University Drive.

Emma Jenkins, 5, and mom Anne Uyeda like this 1930 Model A Ford.

Yaya Hsu checking out a 1959, pink-and-white Ford Sunliner convertible.

Henry Sergent with his 1969 Chevy Camaro RSSS.

Posing beside a 1954 Ford Skyliner are (adults, from left) Madeline Zecman, Kelly Smith and daughter Maggie Smith, and Jack Snyder, Madeline’s husband, with (from left) Maggie’s son, Gabriel Sones, 3, and Luke Snyder, 2-1/2.

William Peil with his 1949 Ford F1 truck.

One of the most eye-catching cars was this 1973 Volkswagen Sandrail.

Spectators viewing some of the colorful vehicles lining University Drive.