‘Every Day is Beautiful’

Families celebrate milestone birthdays.

Eve Capps first moved to Alexandria 73 years ago as the young bride of Colonel Robert Capps following the end of World War II. She still lives in the same Old Town home that she shared with her husband and where she celebrated her 100th birthday July 31 surrounded by neighbors and friends.

“Many of these people have seen me through the last 20 years or more,” said Capps, who donned a tiara for the occasion. “I am lucky to always have people I love around me.”

Mary Sterling is one of those friends.

“Eve and her husband were fabulous entertainers,” said Sterling, who first met the couple in 1987. “Eve is an incredible gourmet cook. I used to come down when my son was small and we would whip up fabulous dishes together. It has been such a pleasure to be her neighbor.”

Another milestone birthday was celebrated July 26 at The View Alexandria when Norma Safren turned 93 years old.

“I have a beautiful family and couldn’t ask for more,” Safren said.

Bud Hart is still going strong at 85.

“You could not meet a kinder man, nor a more loving husband, father and grandfather,” said Hart’s daughter Mary Catherine Gibbs.

Glenn Hopkins, President and CEO of Hopkins House, was at the July 29 celebration for Hart.

“Bud Hart has been volunteering for better than 47 years with Hopkins House,” Hopkins said. “He is doing amazing work and the remarkable thing is that he does it on his own time even as he has his own family to raise and a full-time job.”

Hart, a Living Legend of Alexandria, has not slowed down his pace when it comes to his volunteer endeavors.

“Bud still comes once a week to read to the kids on Tuesdays,” Hopkins said. “In addition he is vice chair of the board, helps with fundraising – he is the person I call whenever I have questions or need help.”

When asked about any secrets to longevity, Capps said, “I guess growing up poor and learning to make the best of life helps. I learned that in the end everything works out.”

For Hart, it was the simple mantra, “Every day is a beautiful day.”