Update, 4 Years Later

    August, 2019, solar sign installed in the shade.

The Aug. 22, 2019 Alexandria Gazette Packet carried my brief letter accompanied by a photo showing a newly installed flashing 15 mph speed zone sign powered by an environmentally vogue solar panel pointed into the thick leaf canopy of the street tree next to it in the 300 block of N. West Street approaching the Jefferson-Houston K-8 School. Since the tree's leaves block sunlight from reaching the solar panel, it is useless for much of the school year.  Just before Labor Day 2023, city staff moved the flashing speed zone sign 20 feet further from the street tree and adjusted the angle at which the solar panel is mounted so it could receive enough sunlight to function properly. 

While maybe response time is a bit slow, this shows city hall is responsive to the public. 

At this time of year, there are only about 15 minutes with the sun still at an angle that illuminates the face of the signal to take a good photo, which luckily coincides w/ the lights flashing for the school in the photos' far background.  

The orange pylon is where the signal had been originally installed and sits on the old base, which has not yet been removed.

Dino Drudi
